- qemu
- virtualbox
- ramdisk
- dd
creating a harddrive image from a directory
Since I'm experimenting with tools for creating a minimal OS it would be handy to create a harddrive image from a directory. This is possible with a few commands.
First create an empty image using dd:
dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=1MB count=0 seek=1024
This will create a 1GB image. Just change the seek value to create an image for your size.
Next we need to format the image:
mkfs.ext4 -F disk.img
This will format the image with an ext4 filesystem. Just use mkfs.ext3 if you want an ext3 filesystem. The -F option is the magic trick so don't forget that!
Now you can mount your filesystem!
sudo mount -o loop disk.img /mnt
And put your files on it! For example:
multistrap -f multistrap.conf -d /mnt
Now you could use qemu to boot the harddrive. Unmount the drive before giving qemu control over it!:
sudo umount /mnt
qemu -kernel vmlinuz -initrd initrd -hda disk.img -m 256 -append "root=/dev/sda devtmpfs"