7zip self extracting autostart exe
In my searches for an easy way to create a self extracting zip file which would automatically start a command after extract I came across some extra 7zip magic. The following intsructions enables exactly this.
- latest 7Zip : http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/files/7-Zip/ [^1]
[^1]: The latest version for your architecture * 7z*_extra.7z : http://sourceforge.net/projects/sevenzip/files/7-Zip/ [^1]
[^1]: It's in the same directory * some .exe you want to start. In my test 'notepad.exe'
- Install 7zip!
- Make a directory somewhere convenient
- Extract the 7zS.sfx from the 7z*_extra.7z into the convenient directory
- Create a 7zip file from the notepad.exe file. If you installed 7zip correctly you can right-click 'notepad.exe' and select '7zip - add to archive'.
- Put the created 7zip file into the convenient directory
- Now create a UTF8 encoded text file called "config.txt" containing the following:
- Your convenient dir should look as follows:
And now the magic. We will concatenate the three files so we will end up with one file. Just open a command prompt and change to the convenient dir. Then issue the following command:
copy /b 7zs.sfx + config.txt + notepad.7z notepad.exe
Test your notepad.exe file by double clicking it :)
If you are using '*nix' to get your Windows work done you van also create the .exe in with a simple shell script:
set -e
7zr a bin.7z notepad.exe
cat 7zS.sfx config.txt notepad.7z > notepad.exe