
Buggy bluetooth and a Logitech MediaBoard

Just been trying to get a Logitech Cordless MediaBoard Pro(TM) device working with a linux system (Ubuntu Lucid). I only have what seems a usb bluetooth adapter (made in China) but it isn't doing very stable. At first I just setup the device using the bluetooth-wizard and a few bluetooth restarts. It did say it got connected but I get no input from the device. Generating a lot of input even crashes the bluetooth stack :( and sometimes renders the usb bluetooth dongle unusable until replugged in the computer :S.

Well googling around I did come up with a working device. Here's how:

First install the compatibility tools

sudo apt-get install bluez-compat bluez python-gobject python-dbus bluez-utils

To be sure restart the bluetooth stack:

service bluetooth restart
/etc/init.d/bluetooth restart

First find the MediaBoard's address by pressing reset on the back of the MediaBoard and this command:

sudo hcitool scan
Scanning ...
    00:07:61:F8:4A:33   Logitech Cordless MediaBoard Pro(TM)

Then connect the device by:

sudo hidd --connect 00:07:61:F8:4A:33

For now my conclusion.... it's really buggy...