You are introduced to an underwater scene. A lightbeam awakes 2 creatures lying on the bottom of the seafloor. Out of curiosity they swim along the lightbeam to the surface. The most enthousiastic creature jumps out of the water and continous to fly towards the light. The other stays behind but joins the other when he comes back to get him. Together they fly towards the light until one of them gets a bit too close.
In this story shimmer a few philosphical theme’s as well as the mythological story of Icarus.
The animation was insprired by the art of Dance. Dance and movement speak their own language, an expressive language that is used in theater as much as spoken language or text. At the same time this expressive language forms the enviroment in a physical way, more than the spoken word. The enviroment influence the choreography and visa versa.
Intentio Luminis was selected for the Holland Animation Film Festival which was held from 13 till 17 November 2002 in Utrecht, The Netherlands.