
Redmine API and python

Since I could hardly find any documentation on using the Redmine REST API with python here are some examples. I wanted to add them to the Redmine Wiki but didn't want to register an account there...

accounts here, accounts there, accounts everywhere.

I've had best results using the pyactiveresource library. I suggest you do the same :)

The most difficult part I had to figure out was doing the authentication using the api key. Well here it is:

from pyactiveresource.activeresource import ActiveResource

class Project(ActiveResource):
    _site = "http://demo.redmine.org"
    _headers = {'X-Redmine-API-Key': "your key"}

projects = Project.find(None,None,limit=10)

for i, v in enumerate(projects):
    print 'project [',i,']',' = ', v
    for item in projects[i].attributes:
       print item, " =  ", projects[i].attributes[item]
    print '======================'

Create an issue:

from pyactiveresource.activeresource import ActiveResource

class Issue(ActiveResource):
    _site = "http://demo.redmine.org"
    _headers = {'X-Redmine-API-Key': "your key"}

newIssue = Issue({'subject': "Example", 'project_id': 1, 'priority': 2})