tagged with python

Introduction to python web programming

It's time to say goodbye to PHP and replace it with Python? This article is a quick intro into two approaches of using python instead of PHP. Yes you can use python embedded in your HTML like with PHP however that approach is for kids and not covered here ;-).

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restarting a site

So it's been a while since I did anything with my own website. Since I'm now into the Permacomputing philosophy I wanted to get rid of all javascript.

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Realtime atmospheric scattering rotation fix

Diving into GLSL shaders to create effects supporting visuals I stumbled upon Sean O'neil's work only to find out Martins Upitis already implemented it in Blender's Game Engine.

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Python3.3 from source for blender

It's very handy to have a full featured python 3.3 available in Blender. So this is how how you do that. For linux that is... but it should be sort of similar for Windows and OSX.

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Redmine api and python

Since I could hardly find any documentation on using the Redmine REST API with python here are some examples. I wanted to add them to the Redmine Wiki but didn't want to register an account there...

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Introduction to cherrypy

Since my first article about an Introduction to python web programming I went exploring frameworks to make it even simpler. I wanted something simple and lightweight and preferably supplied by distributions. There are quite some choices and for this article I explored CherryPy. This led me to some reflection into why even use a framework.... and so the article became mostly an outro to CherryPy...

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