Sphactor: Actor Model Concurrency for Creatives
We propose a combined visual and text-based programming environment based on the actor model suitable for novice to expert programmers. This model encompasses simple communicating entities which easily scale from utilizing threads inside the computer to massive distributed computer systems. To design our proposed environment we classify different levels of programming users encounter when dealing with technologies in creative scenarios. We use this classification system as a foundation to design our proposed environment to support(novice) users on their way to a next level. This framework not only intends to support modern computing power through a concurrent programming paradigm, but is also intended to let users interact with it on the different classification levels.

Concurrency for Creative Coding
Programming for multiple processors is a challenging task. Approaches to program concurrently require a thorough understanding of the computer. Not all people who program possess this. However, as processors are not getting faster, everybody will need to program concurrently eventually. Creative Coding is the practice of programming for being expressive. In this research we propose an easy framework for Creative Coders to program concurrently based on a paradigm of interacting entities. The proposed framework is tested on a group of Creative Coders. The research confirms that concurrent programming is very challenging, that concurrent programs require a different design and that users find it easier to program using the proposed framework.
Homogenizing Physical and Virtual Coordinate Spaces
In this paper we argue for a unification of coordinate spaces for use in mixed reality setups. The paper introduces most used coordinate systems and proposes a system for unification based on existing coordinate systems. An example is given at the end of the paper.

Freaklabs: Joint Artists and Developers Technology Design and Evaluation
Every new technology needs a tryout in practice. Apart from user tests it is often difficult to prepare a new and immature technology for real use cases. To pave the way for a new technology to practical use we have experimented with artists and developers playing with the technology in a controlled lab sessions (Freaklabs). Although this proves difficult to organize the results are invaluable to steer further development of the technology. In this whitepaper we evaluate three Freaklab sessions for the ZOCP technology.
Videostreaming with Gstreamer
In this document, we explore videostreaming technologies using the Gstreamer framework. Since videostreaming is becoming a commodity it is available for anybody to utilize. However videostreaming technology can be challenging as it can be highly complex. In this document we will introduce the elements needed for videostreaming on a network. We will focus our efforts onto setting up live videostreaming between two hosts.
Orchestrating computer systems, a research into a new protocol
Trying to control multiple computers in live performances is a challenging task. Often computers intercommunicate using fixed or manual parameters. However when projects expand across many devices this is hard to maintain. Especially in situations where the parameters tend to change. We propose a new protocol which facilitates flexibility and autonomous setups in an orchestrated environment.
The Network in C-major
An audible network sniffer using harmony theory to interpret what is happening on the network

Multithreaded race conditions explained using Dune II
Multithreading is a potential programmers nightmare. Key in preventing problems while programming multithreaded programs is understanding the source of where problems could arise. In this article the behavior of multithreaded programs is suggested using a metaphor based on the strategy game Dune 2 from the 90's.
Aan de slag als Virtueel Theatermaker
Thesis about working in the field of new media and theater
Archive of published How-tos

A research into the dynamics of acting with the virtual and the physical

Netsync Manager
This plugin will add master/slave networking to Virtools.

Virtools StereoFrustum Building Block
This plugin will enable you to calculate a correct projection frustum for usuage in stereographics projection.
Het Archief
A study into using historic stereophotography in theatre

Input Analyser
Live sound input analysis plugin for Virtools
A game concept which was created after studying analysis methods which could be used to analyse video games. The idea was not to analyse a game using analysis methods but to create a game while going through several analysis methods.

PPtP MxStream
An easy package to connect a Linux system with MxStream ADSL back in 2000.