tagged with zeromq

unix pipes ng research
You probably know unix pipes right?

Simple gcc intro reminder with 0mq
Just as a quick reminder and test for a very minimal setup with gcc and the 0mq library. This just compiles a static version of 0mq and runs one of the examples.
Thoughts about parallel computing
De future will be all about parallel computing and asynchronous design patterns. So how are we preparing for this? I'm doing some research into this and gathering thoughts and information in here about this subject.
- 7zip
- amiga
- apache
- architecture
- authentication
- bash
- bcm43228
- bge
- bgecpp
- blender
- bluetooth
- busybox
- c
- c++
- camera
- certificate
- cgi
- cherrypy
- cmdline
- compiling
- crt
- dd
- debian
- debirf
- debootstrap
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- distribute
- dnsmasq
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- education
- embeded
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- ext3
- fdisk
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- filesystem
- freeradius
- gcc
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- groups
- grub
- hack
- honeypot
- init
- initramfs
- initrd
- insight
- installer
- jabber
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- jdap
- lab
- ldap
- libs
- linux
- logging
- mapping
- mercurial
- mesa
- mint
- mta
- mts
- multistrap
- network
- nfs
- omg
- opencl
- openframeworks
- openGL
- opengl
- openldap
- openssl
- osx
- pam
- parallelcomputing
- passwords
- patch
- permacomputing
- php
- pip
- postfix
- programming
- projection
- prosody
- protocol
- pxe
- python
- qemu
- qt
- R&D
- radius
- ramdisk
- rdesktop
- rdp
- redmine
- regex
- reminder
- remote
- research
- resize
- root
- rootstock
- rtmp
- setup
- smart communication
- ssl
- steamdeck
- streaming
- svn
- syslog
- template
- threads
- ubuntu
- unix
- ustream
- uvc
- video
- virtualbox
- vlc
- vodafone
- web
- webcam
- webob
- werkzeug
- wget
- wheezy
- windows
- wireless
- workflow
- wsgi
- xcode
- zeromq
- zocp