tagged with linux
get maximum supported lights in openframeworks
It's actually quite simple just paste the following code in your setup() method:
Vodafone k3765 linux
OMG, so much time spend on getting this Vodafone K3765 (Huawei) USB dongle to work! I just used the wrong APN. So a hint to everybody: Can't get your 3G/UMTS/HSDPA dongle to work? Make sure you use the right APN. For me the NetworkManager gave me the wrong APN. So here are some right settings at least in The Netherlands:
Quick fix for rdesktop and desktop switching on linux
If you're a bit like me and forced into using Windows for certain applications you're probably using RDP in some way. I usually put my RDP client (rdesktop) on a specific desktop and switch desktops using CTRL-ALT-LEFT and CTRL-ALT-RIGHT. You've probably noticed that it doesn't work unless you use '-K keep window manager key bindings' option. But if you do that you can't use ALT-TAB in Windows. Being really bothered about that I have a very simple patch for that. I'd like to treat CTRL-ALT-LEFT and RIGHT as special keys in rdesktop just like CTRL-ALT-TAB.
Vodafone hack
Tonight I was just checking out some web source to see what was going wrong on some site. WTF... this is not my source..., I suddenly noticed... Is my server hacked? Is my workstation hacked? This can't be true... But after investigating it's Vodafone who is kind enough to inject material in the websites I visit 8-O...
Easy http streamer with vlc
Today I needed a simple setup for streaming a camera locally on the network. I could do this with ffmpeg and ffserver and so but that's a whole lot more work than doing this with VLC which has a webserver built-in. Getting the right command line with this was a bit cumbersome however with some digging through the available docs I managed to get the right parameters.
NFS group limit of 16
Just as an important reminder for myself. Apparently NFS has a limit of 16 groups you can be a member of. I was just investigating why I couldn't write to certain files no more only to discover this nasty limitation.
Quick manual opencl installation on linux
According to Debian docs you should be able to do
Buggy bluetooth and a logitech mediaboard
Just been trying to get a Logitech Cordless MediaBoard Pro(TM) device working with a linux system (Ubuntu Lucid). I only have what seems a usb bluetooth adapter (made in China) but it isn't doing very stable. At first I just setup the device using the bluetooth-wizard and a few bluetooth restarts. It did say it got connected but I get no input from the device. Generating a lot of input even crashes the bluetooth stack :( and sometimes renders the usb bluetooth dongle unusable until replugged in the computer :S.
Control your webcam from the command line
I've alwasy been happy with the default settings of my webcams but now I got me a situation where the camera tries to refocus in low light conditions. Time for some controlling and since I don't have a gui I need a cli tool. Well just found me one: uvcdynctrl
Justin.tv ffmpeg streaming
Just a simple reminder again. This script streams the webcam directly to Justin.tv. Plain simple

RetroArch on the steamdeck to emulate the Amiga
It's nearing the end of the year. Time to feel nostalgic. I always seem to boot my Amiga around this time. So I thought it would be handy to just run my Amiga games on my Steamdeck attached to the TV.
- 7zip
- amiga
- apache
- architecture
- authentication
- bash
- bcm43228
- bge
- bgecpp
- blender
- bluetooth
- busybox
- c
- c++
- camera
- certificate
- cgi
- cherrypy
- cmdline
- compiling
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- debian
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- debootstrap
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- education
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- ext3
- fdisk
- ffmpeg
- filesystem
- freeradius
- gcc
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- gnutls
- groups
- grub
- hack
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- init
- initramfs
- initrd
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- installer
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- lab
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- mts
- multistrap
- network
- nfs
- omg
- opencl
- openframeworks
- openGL
- opengl
- openldap
- openssl
- osx
- pam
- parallelcomputing
- passwords
- patch
- permacomputing
- php
- pip
- postfix
- programming
- projection
- prosody
- protocol
- pxe
- python
- qemu
- qt
- R&D
- radius
- ramdisk
- rdesktop
- rdp
- redmine
- regex
- reminder
- remote
- research
- resize
- root
- rootstock
- rtmp
- setup
- smart communication
- ssl
- steamdeck
- streaming
- svn
- syslog
- template
- threads
- ubuntu
- unix
- ustream
- uvc
- video
- virtualbox
- vlc
- vodafone
- web
- webcam
- webob
- werkzeug
- wget
- wheezy
- windows
- wireless
- workflow
- wsgi
- xcode
- zeromq
- zocp