tagged with ffmpeg
Concatenate mts video files stupid fat filesystem
The ancient FAT filesystem is still used by many manufacturers but with increasing pixel resolutions the files tend to grow bigger and bigger. However FAT(32) is limited to 4GB files. So video recordings are split over multiple files. When you need to edit your recoded footage these seperate files are pain in the ... Best would be to undo the splitting. There is no hard sience involved in splitting the files, I figured, so to undo it would be even more simple. And so it is!
Master of ffmpeg
With increasing frequency I find myself reverting to ffmpeg to do video and audio conversion. So for my own reminder a few recipes I collected from my mind and the web:
Ffmpeg ustream broadcasting
A simple setup to see how well streaming from ffmpeg to ustream.tv works.
my first patch for blender game engine
So I figured I should get myself a new challenge. I work for z25 and we are consolidating the software and tools we use. Blender is one of those beauties we completely embrace. However for realtime usuage Blender is not there yet. So why not help making it better?
Control your webcam from the command line
I've alwasy been happy with the default settings of my webcams but now I got me a situation where the camera tries to refocus in low light conditions. Time for some controlling and since I don't have a gui I need a cli tool. Well just found me one: uvcdynctrl
Justin.tv ffmpeg streaming
Just a simple reminder again. This script streams the webcam directly to Justin.tv. Plain simple
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