tagged with reminder

Dell e6330 linux ubuntu install

Some trouble running Ubuntu raring on the Dell e6330 out of the box... here are my solutions.

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Master of ffmpeg

With increasing frequency I find myself reverting to ffmpeg to do video and audio conversion. So for my own reminder a few recipes I collected from my mind and the web:

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NFS group limit of 16

Just as an important reminder for myself. Apparently NFS has a limit of 16 groups you can be a member of. I was just investigating why I couldn't write to certain files no more only to discover this nasty limitation.

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Quick manual opencl installation on linux

According to Debian docs you should be able to do

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Python3.3 from source for blender

It's very handy to have a full featured python 3.3 available in Blender. So this is how how you do that. For linux that is... but it should be sort of similar for Windows and OSX.

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sticky bits

Always forgetting certain not often used commands. So here's a reminder to set the sticky group bit on a directory so everything created is with same group ownership of the parent directory!

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