tagged with ldap
Freeradius 2 ldap setup
This is a little recipe for configuring freeradius 2 with a ldap backend and some other tricks. Mostly usable for EAP setups. Since I'm trying this out on an old Debian Lenny server I'm using the backports version 2.1.10. So this is based on the fresh install of that version.
Openldap password encryption
Today I was wandering the world of encrypted passwords in order to understand how to change a password through standard ldap modify functions. From the shell I was using this command to set the password to 'test':
Openldap ssl with gnutls
Today I finally found some time to tighten security on an internal LDAP setup only to find my usual procedure doesn't work. Apparently OpenLDAP has GnuTLS support since 2.4 and ofcourse Debian uses this. So here's a quick guide for setting up LDAPS with GnuTLS.
Prosody jabber and ldap
I've often been searching for a nice simple Jabber server. Today I was strolling the internet a bit and stumbled upon Prosody. Looking through the docs I noticed I should be able to get it to authenticate agains an LDAP server. So let's give it a shot!
easier ldap setup for debian
IMHO the documentation on the Debian Wiki is a bit outdated. Here's my way to configuring LDAP client authentication on Debian (Wheezy)
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